How To Get On The Dallas “Do Not Spray” List

less than 1 minute read

If you live in Dallas, you probably know that the city goes around in the summer spraying blanket pesticides to “control” West Nile Virus. I’m pretty sure that’s a completely ineffective way to deal with the situation and likely has far reaching negative impacts on other pollinators like butterflies and bees. As it turns out, you can opt out though I have no idea how much help that is if they are spraying your neighbors house. Still, worth trying. The information below comes from one of our Texas Master Naturalists.

1. Go to

2. Click on 311 at the top right

3. Request Service at the middle left

4. Click on Service Type drop down menu. Select Mosquitos and Go.

5. Key in your address. Then next.

6. Drop down menu under “What is the nature of your concern?”

7. Click “Do Not Spray”.

8. If you would like to be contacted fill in your information.

9. Step 5 allows comments. I wrote in that box a message similar to the introduction above. Write whatever applies to you.

10. Step 6 click Submit.

11. Then click Finish.
